Worship is a priority at St. Luke's. Through prayer and praise, we orient our lives towards the love of God and neighbor. We offer services suited to a variety of styles and schedules.
A nursery and activity room for children through first grade is available during our Sunday morning worship. Our worship offers communion with bread and wine, and is open to everyone, including children
Learn more about our services below.

Sunday 10:00 am
The Sunday morning service is grounded in the ancient tradition and enduring poetry of The Book of Common Prayer. This service is filled with inspiring worship accompanied by our choir and organ. Through a rich collection of hymns, prayers, and readings, we join in worship with over 85 million Christians in the Anglican Communion around the world.
Saturday 5:30 pm
The Saturday afternoon service began in 2005 as a way to offer an additional service time. and provide a different style of worship for our parishioners.The Saturday evening service provides an alternative style of worship. This service is more contemporary, with music offered by our Reflections praise band.

St. Luke's worship is highly participatory, relying on many volunteers who make our services happen. There are many opportunities for volunteering, and whether you've been at St. Luke's for 20 years or twenty minutes, we invite you to join us in glorifying God through serving in worship.
Connect with Us
We're a church that values relationships. Please click the icon above to fill out the parish newcomer card so we can learn more about you and welcome to our community.
In-Person Worship
We offer in-person worship on Saturdays at 5:30pm and on Sundays at 10:00am. Masks are optional. Click the icon above to learn more.
Online Worship Time
Our services are live-streamed only at the 10:00am Sunday morning services via our Facebook page. Other special services like those during Holy Week or a concert are also available.
Groups and Classes
We have fellowship groups and classes on Sunday and throughout the week to meet the needs of our parish. Click the icon above to learn more about learning and fellowship at St. Luke's.
Livestream Techs
During the pandemic we expanded our worship through livestream capabilities. This important work occurs at our 10:00am Sunday services.
Read scripture (Old and New Testament) or be a prayer leader during Prayers of the People during either weekend services.
Acolytes are a key part of the Sunday morning service. You can serve in several different roles with all offering various ways to assist the celebrant in worship.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers are trained and help to serve communion (bread and wine) during worship. Those trained are expected to serve when they are available.
Altar Guild
Help prepare the sanctuary for worship. This includes regular weekend worship but also special services like Christmas, Easter, and Holy Week.
Flower Guild
The beauty of our worship is enhanced by the arrangement of flowers for services. In partnership with the Altar Guild, the flowers are done for our services and given later to those recovering from illness or housebound.
Music is an essential part of our worship and is not possible without volunteers in our choir and praise band. We offer praise by singing hymns, anthems, and prayers during services.
Help welcome all to St. Luke's through the ministry of being an usher. Greet newcomers, take up the offering, and assist anyone in need of directions on our campus.