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Daughters of the King

The Daughters of the King is a religious order for women of the Episcopal Church. The women of St. Luke’s Chapter – the Magnificat Chapter – are involved in the life of our parish in many areas. 


Every Daughter makes a lifelong vow of prayer, service and personal evangelism, dedicated to the extension of God's Kingdom and strengthening of the spiritual life of her parish. Daughters serve as vestry members, lay readers, altar guild, flower guild, chalice bearers, ushers, choir members and funeral ministry. The Daughters of the King at St. Luke’s are also involved in prayer requests, a card ministry, and many outreach ministries in the community, including donations to Prodigal House Ministries and Aunt Mary's Storybook Project, monetary support of the Refugee Ministry, and service at Wayside Mission.


St. Luke’s chapter supports the national order and is active in the Kentucky Diocesan Assembly Daughters of the King. Becoming a Daughter involves a preparation program and being installed as a member after taking a vow to serve. Interested women are encouraged to contact the church office for more information regarding the Daughters of the King.


President, Chris Wilcox

Vice President, Georgette Fletcher

Treasurer, Debbie Towler

Secretary, Patti LaMontagne


The second Saturday of each month at 8:30 am in Board Hall.


For more information, please call the parish office at 502.245.8827.

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St. Luke’s Episcopal Church     1206 Maple Lane, Anchorage, KY 40223

Office: 502.245.8827    Fax:  502.245.5595

© 2021 St. Luke’s Episcopal Church

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